Before commenting on the poor infrastructure in Amethi, Goa Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar ought to look into his own back yard. Unlike Uttar
Pradesh, Goa is an extremely small State which could have been very well
managed and sensibly governed.

Sadly over the years it has seen utter decay with nothing having changed
even in the last two years with Manohar Parrikar at the helm of affairs. He
had promised us the moon but has made a U turn on his every promise. He had
vowed to drive away the Casinos but has brought in many moré now making Goa
the nation’s gambling and sex trade capital.

Corruption is at its very peak, with the 72 crore Miramar- Dona Paula
concrete road being the latest scam. To allow corruption in Goa go
unchecked we are without a Lokayukta. So that the bending and breaking of
rules to favour the chosen few is not unraveled, Manohar Parrikar has
systematically scuttled implementation of the Right to Information Act in
the State.

With the escalating crime rate Goa has become a very unsafe place with
murders, rapes and assaults the order of the day. Heaps of garbage strewn
is an eyesore which seems to be of no concern to this government.

How does the Chief Minister defend the erratic power and water supply? To
see bumpy potholed roads one does not have to go to Amethi. Goa could have
been a paradise but the never ending greed of the politicians has taken
this State down the tube. While from Rags to Riches is what those in power
aspire for, Sorrowing lies our Goa.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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