Mandatory Kannada education is violation of fundamental rights: Supreme

News Network

Bangalore, May 6: In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court on Tuesday
ruled that the government cannot impose a particular language, including
mother tongue, for teaching children at the primary education level. The
apex court also struck down a Karnataka government order imposing Kannada
language as the medium of instruction in all primary schools of the state.

A five-judge Constitution Bench, headed by Chief Justice R M Lodha said
that the state cannot impose a language on a child and such a compulsion
could be violative of fundamental rights of the children and their parents.
This highly emotive issue is likely to create more controversy across the

The Karnataka Government had filed an appeal against the division bench
judgment of the Karnataka High Court in the Supreme Court.

An association of private schools had been fighting against the imposition
of Kannada as a main language or medium of instruction in primary schools.
Their advocate KV Dhananjaya argued that they were not questioning the
greatness of Kannada or its primacy in the state. They maintained that the
knowledge of English is very essential and the children should not be
deprived of it. During the hearing, advocate Dhananjay, representing more
than 1,800 private unaided English medium schools in Karnataka, told the
Bench how language is not ingrained in the human brain and teaching in the
mother tongue in primary classes cannot do much to improve career prospects.

"The Government wholly errs when it assumes that a parent's preference for
English medium education is a rejection and devaluation of Kannada
language. Kannada is a language of immeasurable greatness. A child could
learn through English medium in his school and still be perfectly wedded to
Kannada culture and hold it with the greatest respect and regard,"
Dhananjay said.

Citing the example of Nagaland where 90 per cent of the population is
declared as Scheduled Tribes and English is the preferred medium of
instruction, Dhananjay said, "Today, 51 per cent of all children in India
in the primary education system are enrolled in Hindi medium. Then comes
English medium, which has 11 per cent."

"If English cannot be protected by the courts because it did not originate
in India, what about the religions of Islam and Christianity? These
religions did not originate in India. Are not these two religions entitled
to protection?" he questioned.

Countering his arguments, Karnataka Advocate General Ravi Varma Kumar
stressed that the state had the Constitutional obligation to provide
instructions to people in way of regulation.

Citing various provisions, Kumar told the Bench how important it was to
protect minority rights and institutions. "Primary school language should
be one's mother tongue and not English, for, English is an alien language,"
he said.

"The state has the power to regulate and the right to oppose restrictions
is the right of the state," Kumar said, concluding his arguments.

According to 'Legal Junction' in 1982, Government of Karnataka issued an
order thereby prescribing that Kannada shall be the sole first language
from 1st standard of primary school itself. The order was challenged before
the High Court, which held this as unconstitutional.

Thereafter, in 1989, State Government, vide an order, made "mother tongue'
as the medium of instruction at the primary school level. Along with this,
State Government made it obligatory for one to take "Kannada" as second
language, if the same has not been chosen as the first language. The 1989
order was challenged before the Supreme Court in English Medium Students
Parents Association vs. The State of Karnataka & Ors, which consequently
upheld it.

Following this, in 1994, State Government came up with another order ("1994
Order") which, after revising the policy, made the 'medium of instruction'
from 1st to 4th standard in all schools recognised by the State Government
as either Kannada or mother tongue. Contending 1994 order as violative of
Articles 14, 19(1)(a), 21, 29(2) and 30(1) of the Constitution of India
("Constitution"), writ petitions were filed before the High Court. By its
order, full bench of the High Court quashed the disputed clause No. 2, 3, 6
and 8 of the 1994 Order with its application to schools other than the
schools run or aided by the Government. It is against this order of the
High Court that the State Government has preferred an appeal before the
Supreme Court, i.e., the present case.

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