
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


I. Nunes responds to mmendonz...@gmail.com: 

The Indian diaspora is upwards of 20 million.
[World Bank estimates US$ 52 billion in remittances to India for 2008.This 
excludes gold and gems.]

Intuitively it would appear  that Indians working in the Gulf countries would 
tend to remit more as they will always be gastarbeiters or  guest workers, 
never attaining full citizenship irrespective of their tenure. 
Whereas Indians in the Western countries would be more likely to emigrate with 
their families, obviating the need for most remittances.
Not quite so.
Just to put matters in the correct perspective  - the Reserve Bank of India 
In the last RBI study (2006) of remittances by NRIs with breakdown by source 
country found:
N. America accounted for     44%,
Gulf Countries                     24%
Europe                               13%
East Asia                             8%
S. America                           6%
Africa                                   2%
other                                    3%

Reported in RBI Bulletin: 
These additional reported facts might interest you:

1.   The Hindu Business section at  

a.    AP received the highest NRI remittances, with Maharastra second in 2006.
b.    The US and Saudi Arabia were the largest sources of workers' remittances 
to developing countries.  [Not just in India]
2.   Rediff.com/money in their September 05, 2007 article:
NRI remittance: How it is invested  reported
" About 13 per cent of the funds remitted by Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in 
2006 were invested in equity and real estate. 
While 20 per cent of the funds are parked in bank deposits, 54 per cent of 
remittances are used to meet family expenses, according to a Reserve Bank of 
I. Nunes.

--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Goanet] How the NRI has fallen from grace
To: "goanet" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 11:19 AM

lyrawmn :
Do you think Mr. Swapan Dasgupta is aware that NRIs remitted US $24.6
billion in 2005-6 and US$ 43.5 billion 2007-8 according to the Reserve Bank
of India? [Reported by?the Financial Express in India.]This is estimated to
be about 3% India's GDP.

Just to put matters in proper perspective. The bulk of foreign remittances
come from Indians working in the Gulf and not from those settled in USA or
the West.




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