Canada is America's hat, nein?
I. Nunes
--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Mario Goveia <> wrote:

From: Mario Goveia <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] " ARE GOANS RACIST" ?
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 8:08 AM

Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 00:22:14 -0400
From: Pandu Lampiao <>

Generally one would say not but once one gets to know a Goichi, a lot of them 
appear to be. Though they will not utter direct r*cist lines (unlike here on 
the GoichiNet, a posting Pedro from Mississauga who preferred Brits for 
neighbors) they display a certain 'they are better than us' message .........

Mario responds:

Hey, Pandu, why don't you can and brand your chorisam and sell them over the 
internet, yaar.  Perhaps in vacuum sealed aluminum packages.  I'm sure you will 
be able to find a Gujarati businessman in Kanada to help you.  They make and 
export excellent Indian food from up there.

FYI, the Goichis south of your Kanadese border are just the opposite.  Down 
here in "southern North Amreika" they display a "we are better then them" 
message, and with good reason:-))  Is this "racism" or just "racial".  To 
become "racism" doesn't one have to acts upon it in one's interpersonal 
relationships or to harm someone, simply because of their race?

BTW, is "racism" different in how it works than "casteism"?

Pandu wrote:

This observation ain't mine but a learned old Gujrathi businessman: he thinks 
we brown folks have the
inferiority complex and therefore, they often fear the Anglo-Saxon here in 
North Amreika...

Mario responds:

Pandu, send him down here and I will introduce him to several learned old and 
young Gujarati businessmen who have such a superiority complex that they own 
more than half the hotels - including major franchises - and gas stations and 
convenience stores in "southern North Amreika" and have thousands of 
Anglo-Saxons and others who work for them.  In another generation they may own 
half of "southern North Amreika":-))

Pandu wrote:

Lastly, in Kanada (where I run a seasonal chooris-pau business) there is a 
subtle r*cism and a plenty of reverse r*cism (example, orientals are not 
trusting of the Afr*can-**** community). Phew.

Mario asks:

Are you telling us that Kanada is a racist country?  Some of the other Kanadese 
Goanetters have been telling us that Kanada is one step this side of heaven:-))

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