It seems to me that these dumb people (yes!) hear and read of  personal 
trainers, and personal coaches  and personal what-nots in use by Bollywood, who 
appropriated this nonsense from the west, and then latch on as me-too.
Lemmings anyone?
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 10/25/09, Santosh Helekar <> wrote:

  "This is how these charlatans rope in educated people who are unfortunately 
extremely gullible and scientifically illiterate. In fact, their gullibility is 
in most cases directly proportional to their scientific illiteracy. That is why 
they trust any pseudoscientific gobbledygook from these quacks and crooks.

We have now seen what an explosive combination it is, this mixing of religion 
and pseudoscience.
Santosh  "


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