I. Nunes responds:
A lack of democracy  ( which is also a threat to ethic identity),  lack of 
economic development, globalization,  existence of ethnic fragmentation (and 
heterogenity by population size. Add refugees too) and  warring neighbours, are 
all positively associated with the increased probability of a civil war.     
Picture the differences between say: Rwanda (or Afganistan)  and  Sweden (or 
Poland) to get my drift. 

--- On Tue, 10/27/09, Frederick Noronha <fredericknoro...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  This presumes that the "democracy" is going to treat people on the
>basis of their religious affiliation, and that religious polarisations
>are a given.
IN: ??

>Ideally, a person's religion should be a private affair, irrelevant to
>those ruling the country.
IN: Ergo: need for democratic governments.

>Anyway, apart from religious identities there are so many other
>identities we carry -- gender, language, region, ethnicity. We don't
>make a big issue of these, so why focus on religion alone?

IN:  You forget  to add caste in all its virulence.


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