To Goanet from I. Nunes:
David Horsey's cartoon today is timely.
David Horsey, copyright 2009 Tribune Media Services
""  Sung to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
You'd better watch out
you'll freeze or you'll fry.
That bad green house gas is filling the sky.
Climate change is coming to Earth!
Our economy's built
on old fossil fuels.
We think we'll get rich
but really we're fools.
Climate change is coming to Earth!
The polar caps are melting.
The seas are on the rise.
The glaciers out in Glacier Park
disappear before our eyes!
It's prob'ly too late
to clean up our act.
Some goofballs deny
it's even a fact.
Climate change is coming to Earth!
Where Santa has his workshop
way up in the North Pole
they'll soon be planting 
palm trees 'cause
we're burning too much coal!
The storms will get huge.
The coastlines will sink
The farms will dry up.
We're all on the brink.
Climate change is coming,
Climate change is coming,
Climate change is comiiinnnggg tooo to Earrrth! ""

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