On Sat, 1/9/10, Samir Kelekar <samir_kele...@yahoo.com> wrote:
RE: Philistines at the Gate
> Long time back, someone wrote a book called the denationalization of Goa.
Hundred years later, we see the same reality here.
> You dont deserve any political rights in Goa, and hence you would not
have any. It is as plain and simple as that!
>They said that when the Portuguese came, some Goans welcomed them
with open arms. You must surely be one of them!

I. Nunes responds: 
Mr. Kelekar,
Oh dear! 
The 'someone' you refer to was merely the notable Tristao de Bragranca Cunha 
whose essay: The Denationalisation of Goans, was published in 1944. 
Dare I hope that Kelekar Sr. will enlighten you?
Are you implying that the ancestors of this illustrious son of Cuelim and Goa, 
as well as those of present day Catholic Goans “welcomed them {Portuguese}with 
open arms“?
Dialogue such as yours with undertones of antipathy towards Catholic goans, are 
unlikely to serve your political ambitions.
But then, you are banking on votes from the large migrant sector, aren‘t you? 
I. Nunes

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