Mr. Goveia,

You have articulated concisely and well the rebuttal to some RGs claims of 
unwarranted meddling by concerned NRGs in matters Goa. 
I suspect theirs is a minority view culled in literary salons of the 
In fairness, the RGs have a point in one area. 
Some well meaning NRGs in their eagerness to help are attempting to reinvent 
the environmental arena.  RE: What are we waiting for posts?
This appears a heavy handed approach and ignores and discounts the long 
struggle by the loyal concerned citizens and environmentalists resident in Goa 
for over the past 2 decades.
You do recall Agonda  circa 1980es where hardy villagers, lawyers and 
environmentalists successfully halted the resort development in its track, yes? 
Golf courses in a CRZ, you ask?  Yes!
At present the many RG activists have been the foot soldiers at the forefront 
not least of all brave Goans villagers battling special interests in face 
of  threats, intimidation, litigation costs, time, etc 
Nandkumar  Kamat has been at his quest for over 20 years.
>>No one in a leadership position is addressing any of these issues as far as I 
>>can see anywhere in India.

You are right.

It is pointless to debate the merits of transparency of governance and the 
media in the west versus India. You are not going to change entrenched minds. 
The 2009  Survey done by International Transparency Org assigns India a CPI 
[Corruption Perception Index] rank of 84 in the 180 countries surveyed. [N. 
Zealand ranks 1 and  Somalia 180, with China 79 and US 19]. 
As a survey it is an underestimates the pervasiveness of corruption. 
other links:
 I. Nunes

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