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Nunes responds:
I have no intention of engaging  De Sa - in any discourse as it would be 
pointless in the face of lamentable ignorance, provincialism  and narrow- 
De Sa  says he is a mistri. My sympathies to the students. They are not well 
I seriously question De Sa's comprehension, as he consistently misconstrues and 
misstates the premise of  the issues, and then proceeds to frame the issue 
erroneously, in one of his own making. 
Then cries wolf! 
Once too often, as you can see.
De Sa, your petticoats of petulance are on view more often than not.
De Sa, you may not like, or agree with Mr. Goveia or any NRG.
However to liken him or any Goan to the heinous Joseph Goebbels - the architect 
of Kristallnacht and subsequent condemnation of Jews to concentration camps - 
is unacceptable. 
Your  comparison is crass and disproportionate.
Do you not realize the ramifications of demonizing a goan (or any person for 
that matter) to the level of a war criminal and mass murderer?
To attempt to bolster  (or may be not) your argument? 
This is fraud!
Why would I want to respond to posts when I suspect the source to be deficient 
in cognitive and comprehension abilities, and  an acknowledged appeaser to 
white foreigners? 
No reason.

--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Tony de Sa <tonyde...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear I. Nunes, Sir/ Madam (as applicable to you because you steadfastly
refuse to disclose your title. Are you shy?)

Goans will never progress because of people like you who perpetuate the
caste system. Read your reply to one of my posts:
>Is your claim?to self-appointed authority, ?arbiter? and censor? of content
on GOANET made on?on the anachronistic basis of your caste???
Or your trade?

a) I wasn't the one who brought up caste.
b) You talk of an anachronistic basis of caste which you your self refer to
and which I have never brought up or implied but is inferred by you on the
basis of your complexes, whether superior or inferior you only can tell.
c) While we are at it, I never asked to be born in whatever caste I was born
nor were you. Neither of us were responsible for this accident of birth. But
it looks like you are the guy with the chip on the shoulder.
d) You are labouring under a delusion if you imagine that I am a self
appointed authority on the content on Goanet. If you have a problem with my
posts, you are free to contact Goanet admin . If you feel threatened or
disturbed by my posts, the remedy is simple. Just ignore them or hit the
delete button! I assert that I will continue to post whatever I think fit as
long as I feel like and it is fine with  Goanet admin.

Let us hammer away at some of your other lines in the above post:

>So you can ramble on at will on Goanet and others should stay mum?
>Stick to your role of an English sacaram only where you have authority.>>

Reply: Please refer to the comment above. BTW where I shove my English
sarcasm is none of your business.  Why are you trying to restrict my
freedom? Are you trying to lord it over me?

> To date your rebuttals have showcased an?embarrassing deficit of knowledge
and facts - preserved in cyberspace for eternity!

Reply: I am glad to know you have taken notice.

>Tony De Sa, it would appear that the diarrheal remains, and detritus are?on
your face.

Reply: One always sees ones own reflection in others.

>As has been noted? in his rebuttals Mr Goveia,?has consistently bested you
in all arguments.Yet you persist.
It would appear that Non mas?is not in De Sa's vocabulary or? consciousness.

Reply: So you exhibit feelings of admiration for the gent. Good for you and
him. Both of you can bask in the aura of your mutual admiration. BTW is he
of the same caste as you since you are so caste minded? May your caste

>To date your rebuttals have showcased an?embarrassing deficit of knowledge
and facts - preserved in cyberspace for eternity!
An example: as a "mistri"?you do not know much less?understand GDP and the
flow of money in an?economy.???This?is standard educational fare for any
teenager?abroad preparing for college entry.

Your posts offer an interesting case study in pathology of arrogance
including the squiggles in your signage.
You appear to want attention - and rather badly.

Reply: Congratulations to you on your acuity and perspicacity. One thing I
always believe in is refresher courses. Please give me your telephone number
so that I can consult you on my deficiencies in learning. Who is stopping
you from adding "squiggles in your signage" as you prefer to call them? They
are an art form called ascii art. I could recommend several good websites
for these signatures. Please contact me by phone if you are interested. And
aren't you giving me the attention that you feel I "appear to want attention
- and rather badly."? Works every time!

Have a nice day. Let of steam and don't harbour ill feelings in your heart.
These are only cyber discussions and scribbles. Don't see an enemy soldier
behind every tree and don't take all posts on Goanet seriously. Enjoy the
good things of life without any rancour!


         Tony de Sa
          M   : +91 9975 162 897
|           Ph. : +91 832 2470 148



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