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--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Mervyn Lobo <mervynal...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

>>The Australians call the sport ice boxing. Which is very appropriate.
There is no sportsman who will be able to watch more than 10 minutes of the 
game without feeling disgust.<<
Nunes responds:
Presumably, these Australians are the same folk  who used to make sport of 
Tossing  Dwarfs?   Not quite a standard of decorum.
And yes, I am familiar with professional ice hockey games.
The  Great Wayne Gretzky  is a Canadian. Yes?
>>As for your concern about immigrants, the fastest growing sport in the 
>>country is soccer.  Women's soccer being as or more popular than men's. The 
>>immigrant here has no need  to accept the status quo. When the time has come 
>>for change locally, things will. I have seen tremendous change for the better 
>>since I moved here 15 years ago.<<

I. Nunes responds:
Soccer's popularity in North America remains to be realized. Even though soccer 
is played and enjoyed  by more individuals worldwide, taking root in. N. 
America has to date been iffy,  commercially. 
Pele - the  Really Great -   couldn't help football's  cause or that of his 
team Cosmos. 
I remain skeptical.


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