Meeting up with G.H.A.N.T.I

Dr Oscar Rebello

Gaganappa Hassan Ali Nagarjuna Tennyson India (G.H.A.N.T.I
for short) is an old friend of mine.  Now, graying at the
temples, he has been working in Goa, for years now making
this little land his home, away from home, since the early

His perception and critical analysis of Goa, her
socio-political climate and her tortured history is
something, I usually listen to with rapt attention. As we sit
down, at Clube Nacional, over a glass of feni, these are the
pearls of wisdom he proffers.

"Goa, is completely fed to the dogs, don't you think? Many
people blame Goa's disastrous woes on you, the 'outsider,'
the perennial bhailo," I said menacingly.  He smiled
knowingly, "No doc" he said.  "I share your sentiment, that
the Goa we all know and love so much is being destroyed by
powerful economic forces, both from within and from outside
who care a fig for Goa, her people, her beauty and her
splendor as long as their private profits are ensured."

"Mmm," I responded, "but then despite democracy, despite a
reasonably fair electoral process why can't we tame and
destroy these forces that are driving a dagger through our

          "Simple," he grinned cunningly, "Because you Goans
          have never ever been united throughout your brief
          history in your small land, never!"

He then went on to elaborate, dissecting our history. 1961.
"Some called it liberation, some still call it an invasion,
so, you guys still could not reconcile if you guys were free
or enslaved.  Your first blow against unity." 1966. "Opinion
Poll. The overwhelming majority opted to retain Goa's
separate unique identity.  And some wanted out, to merge, it
with Maharashtra. Look at it this way. Whatever the analysis
of the historic opinion poll, one set of Goans won and one
set lost.  Did you all as a community ever try to figure out
why the almost entire Bahujan Samaj wanted to merge with
Maharashtra then? Were their grievances suitably addressed,
or was the Jalyach Payge war chant always seen as an act of
betrayal?. The fault lines between communities continued
through this period."

1986. "The historic language agitation.  Again a vicious
battle of Goans versus Goans.  Kokanni won, Marathi, sort of
lost.  But in a repeat of Goa's divisive history one Goan
won, the other lost.  In addition, Romi Konkani was given the
short end of the stick.  Their grievances mounted.  The
faultlines now threatened to become an earthquake".

          "Hence," he patiently explained, "when the
          unprecedented economic boom of Manmohan Singh swept
          into Goa, where land, minerals, sand and other
          natural resources were all put up for auction and
          Goa's future was on the chopping block, your
          leaders, beneficiaries of your historic divisions,
          sold you guys down the river, like disposable

"And as this tsunami of destructive development is ready to
swamp, you and drown you out of existence, you still can't
figure out if you should cry for help in Romi or Nagri
Konkanni or Marathi or rush to a church or to a temple to
seek divine succor."

"But the migrant influx in slums is choking us out of
reckoning," I protested strongly.

"True doc," he countered. "The slums are traditionally fixed
vote banks with recurring compounded interest to highest
bidder. But things are changing.  The youth in the slums
unlike their parents are rebelling for being treated like
toys without dignity.  And in any case, can the migrant vote
ever match you, if you guys stay united?."

"But where do your loyalties lie," I asked this crackling,
sharp G.H.A.N.T.I? "Whose side are you on?" "Unfair question
doc," he murmured. "Having lived off this land, my loyalties
will always lie with Goa and all that you are fighting for.
But talk to us, engage us, win us over to your side.  We are
tired of being pawns in the chess board of dirty politics.

True, there are bogus voters amongst us, huge blocks of guys
who sell their votes, but then, so do Niz Goenkars, hundreds
of illegal squatters, but crack down on them as per
provisions of the law.  Don't stuff us all in the same basket
for God's sake."

Having probed the deep, intelligent recesses of the mind of
my friend, I was stupefied by his lucid and simple analysis
of Goa's socio-political scenario. I asked him "So, do you
think there's a just and hopeful future for us in Goa?"

With a large smile on his face as he downed his last drop of
feni, he winked at me "yes," he said, "but only if you let go
of the ghosts of the past that are constantly shackling you."

          "And if you realize that in this battle of yours,
          you must necessarily take everyone along on the
          ride -- Hindu, Christian, Muslims and the bhailo.
          Democracy my friend gives you no other choice after all!

[Courtesy: Herald]

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