Mervyn 1532Lobo wrote:
  <<When the question is swans, it is always a mute one. The reason being
that  the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern 
Ireland owns all of those.>>

Not so. 
She lays claim only to the  mute swan species Cygnus olor in open water. In 
""  The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan and thus a member of the 
duck, goose and swan family  Anatidae. . It is native to much of Europe ans 
Asia  and (as a rare winter visitor) the far north of  Africa.  It is also an  
introduced species in North America and Australsia  and southern Africa. The 
name 'mute' derives from it being less vocal than other swan species..""
"""According to custom, Britain's sovereign owns all unmarked, mute swans in 
open water, but the queen now exercises the right only on stretches of the 
Thames and its nearby tributaries."""   
(Presumably  the monoply arose from the need  to maintain the kingly repasts of 
swan flesh.)
Certainly not elsewhere.
I, Nunes

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