Bombay based RTI – Civic – Citizen – Environmental Activists & Bombay based
associations forums sabhas & any bombay based citizen who are interested in
doing any good for bombay then they should agitate for the following :

Political parties who have not disclosed on their websites sources of
election funds should be disallowed from fielding their candidates in
bombay……any political party candidate or independent candidate who is
associated directly or indirectly with the builders lobby, corporate lobby,
slumlords, landmafia, criminals, religious groups, casteists groups,
fundamentalist groups, terrorist groups, facist groups should be disallowed
from contesting elections in bombay.

Marathi people account for 35% of bombays population and their share in jobs
in BMC, Police, Collectorsoffice, city survey office, mantralaya,
rationoffice, urban development dept, town planning dept, mmrda, mhada,
other administrative depts. of maharashtra government in bombay,
central/state/publicsector undertakings in bombay, etc should be restricted
to 35%. The other 65% jobs should be shared by other communities (gujratis,
parsis, eastindians, kolis, goans, mangaloreans, jains, sindhis, south
indians, north indians, Punjabis, south indians, muslims, etc etc etc)
living in Bombay.

Indian Govt. & Maharashtra govt. collects every month from Bombay thousands
or Lakhs of crores of rupees through income tax, customs duty, import duty,
excise, sales tax, vat, stamp duty, wealth tax, sale of govt. – collector
land, profession tax, etc etc etc. Most of this revenue is diverted for the
benefit of other states in India and backward districts of Maharashtra. Its
time a fund is created for Bombay and 25% of the revenues accumulated from
bombay through income tax, stamp duty, customs duty, sale of govt. land,
excise, etc is deposited every month in this Bombay fund and this fund is
exclusively used for the benefit (better public utilites, better civic
facilities, bigger water pipes, better roads, better public transport,
better hospitals, etc) of bombay citizens.

Bombays name was changed to Mumbai without a referendum from the citizens of
bombay. A referendum should be held and if majority of citizens suggest the
name Mumbai should be changed to Bombay then the citys name should be
changed to Bombay.

Anyone in bombay resorting to riots, corruption activities, taking bribes,
aborting female foetuses, food adulterators, punching holes in water pipes
to steal water, grabbing govt. & collector land, encroaching openspaces –
mangroves – saltpanlands – sanjay gandhi national park, etc should be given
minimum 10 years rigorous imprisonment.

Any Hindu, Muslim, Christian religious or political leader in bombay who
opposes two child policy should be expelled from Bombay. Polygamy should be
banned in bombay.

MHADA, builders, Corporates who want to construct any residential or
commercial building in bombay exceeding Five floors should first get the NOC
from local citizen associations of the area where the building or tower will
be constructed.

Since old buildings & new buildings get the same civic facilities hence the
system of charging more property tax for new buildings is illegal &
unjustified. Property tax system should be changed and any flat that
measures less than 500 sq. ft. should be charged per month a certain amount
and above 500 sq.ft. a certain amount above 1000 sq.ft. a certain amount.

25% of Mill land in Bombay should be utilized for gardens, playgrounds,
recreations facilities & 25% for setting up public utilities & the rest 50%
for Residential & Commercial buildings.

Indian Parliament, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, BMC Committees should
take Opinions of bombay based RTI – Civic – Citizen - Environmental
Activists in all matters ( FSI, TDRs, Stampduty, propertytax, watertax, etc)
related to Bombay.

Christian (catholic/protestant) Missionaries in India receive more than 75%
of their funds from some organizations in America, Canada, Europe &
Australia. The Missionaries use all the funds for setting up ashrams &
dispensaries only where the Dalits, Tribals & Slumdwellers live and try to
lure the dalits, tribals, slumdwellers to Christianity by allurement &
fraudulent means. Some of the Dalit, Tribals & Slumdwellers who were
converted to Christianity now want the Christian missionaries to stop
conversion activity in India for the next 100 years and utilize the foreign
funds for the benefit of those who have been already converted.

The Catholic Clergy believe they are the Kings & Bosses of the Church and
don’t bother to respond to the queries of the catholic laity. Impressed by
the demonstrations by Team Anna now some lay catholic associations also want
to take to the streets and demonstrate at the gates of the local church and
Archbishops house to find out how church funds are utilized, how much vacant
properties in possession of church and which properties have been sold at
what rates and to whom and what the money was utilized for, why clergy are
opposing 50% seats for catholics in parish schools and church run
institutions, etc.

There are around 20% Christians in India who have Hindu names. These
Christians with Hindu names in India believe that adopting a Hindu name will
benefit their career and future & enable them to get govt. jobs in India &
protect their Christian identity from being detected by those Hindus who are
hostile to Christians & various other reasons which the Bishops, Cardinals,
Priests, Pastors in India are well aware of this explains why the Church in
India has no problem with christians with hindu names infact there are many
bishops, cardinals, priests, pastors in India who also have hindu names. As
for the Muslims they are proud of their muslim names and you will rarely
come across a muslim who has a hindu name.

Catholics in Bombay region are physically weak because of the daily
consumption of white/maida breads................there is hardly any
catholic in bombay who has oratory & leadership skills which explains why
barely 4 or 5 catholics contest political elections...................from
the Eight Lakh catholics in bombay around 10% belong to the upper middle
class category & 20% belong to the middle class category but a vast majority
that is 70% belong to the lower middle class category and alcoholism &
infighting is rampant in this 70% category which has made them more and more
poor.................the catholic clergy in bombay are preoccupied with
church finance affairs, church property affairs, catholic school affairs and
don't have time to bother about the 70% poor catholics no wonder some of the
poor catholics in bombay have left the catholic
church....................the former rulers of bombay i.e. the Protestant
Britishers noted down in their gazetters that the catholics living in bombay
are poor, ignorant & drunken people and the Britishers began looting the
agricultural lands of the catholics in bombay and later on the free india
govt. & maharashtra govt. also looted the agricultural lands of the catholic
natives reducing most of the catholics in bombay to a backward class status
this explains why catholics in neighbouring gorai, manori, uttan & vasai are
opposing land acquisition in their areas..................150 years back 80%
of Bombays population was catholics & 20% less than
10% of bombays population is catholic and less than 5% are know more on the catholics of bombay check the below
Blogsite & Website :

www     bombayland.blogspot    com

www     east-indians                  com

A Good Politician is the one who lives a frugal & honest life & serves
people just like a true servant would serve his master. Are there any such
politicians left in India. One Politician from Maharashtra said that Milk
Adulterators should get death penalty. Corruption breeds crime in India.
Will that politician also say that those Politicians & Sarkari Babus who are
caught accepting bribes should also get Death penalty ??????

Think fast - Look Alive - and fight for a better Bombay and better India.

Jorge Monteiro

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