I agree with Mr. Gerald Fernandes. 
Until Dr. Helekar cited the CRS,  I was unaware of this nonpartisan,  think 
tank research  and analyses service provided to lawmakers,  and paid by the 
American taxpayer to the tune of ~$120 mil annually. 
I surmise that before  issue, such  white papers  on policy matters are 
circulated internally among the wonks for critical review and comment.
I do not view the  CRS reports as   either "lobbying efforts"  or as a 
''History' book that can be referred to as authentic and 'accurate' "  [RE: Dr. 
F. Falcão]. 

I. Nunes
From: Gerald Fernandes <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:56 PM
Subject: RE:CRS Report(Santosh Helekar)

Santosh Helekar needs to be commended for the link to the CRS report he 
included in his post. The CRS report makes very interesting reading. It is a 
useful understanding of the prevailing American thought & opinion given to 
American Congress.Like most Strategy Projections it tries to put up a coherent 
collage culled from varied facts in the public domain, but obviously like most 
Strategy Projections not all inferences are unassailable!!! Thank you Santosh.

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