Con, what if someone died following bad medical advice in your posts? Would you 
and Goanet be partly responsible for their death? What if they lived in the USA 
and the family sued in the USA for financial damages? Medical claims can runs 
in millions of dollars. Merely defending a lawsuit in the USA costs thousands 
of dollars even if the defendant is found innocent.

I am not sure if a blanket waiver that the material posted in the links is the 
responsibility of the author and poster when it can be shown there was no 
qualification or attempt by the poster to ascertain the veracity of the 
information, or as in your case, a dismissal when pointed out by a medical 
doctor that the information is often bogus. 

I am curious if you have considered these issues and the impact on your 
personal financial assets should the unfortunate happen. How intellectually 
challenging and controversial will your posts look like to an unsympathetic 


--- On Wed, 9/21/11, Con Menezes <> wrote:

> Thank you Santosh,

> Yes, I realise there is so much conflicting 'information'
> around that it is difficult to separate 'wheat from
> chaff'!. I recall  watching a documentary on a science channel
> entitled 'The Hearts Code' and very  convincing it
> was. At least the subjects I post on the net, challenges an
> intellectual's thinking and often 'raises the readers ire'!,
> hence all the 'flurry'. It does make Goanet more interesting than some
> of the mundane stuff I read. Watch out for more controversial postings!
> As Gabe would say 'Deu Borem Corum"

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