                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

You are absolutely right.
Whenever one tries to expose the detrimental effects in society of  caste and 
religion [pervasive on Goanet] censorship rears its ugly head among the gate 
It does not surprises me  when I read  those with 'Portuguese genes'   
reclaim  their  Indian  background  ONLY when they wish to broadcast their 
caste, and other Goans marginalised on basis of religion, here on Goanet a 

Kind regards,
I. Nunes
SOTER so...@bsnl.in  wrote 
Subject: [Goanet] Why this apathy about doing something positive and concrete
You should be knowing better than me who belongs to the Uncivil Society of Goa 
that the Western Ghats and mining issue are just a fraction of the Goan 
problems. It is worth analysing how Goa has reached to such a stage. As long as 
the other crucial aspect of divide and rule is not addressed, signing one 
petition is of no consequence. When Goans are denied their fundamental rights 
merely on basis of caste and religion, this is as great an evil as the 
destruction of the western ghats. If support to every issue is going to be 
weighed depending on which segment of Goans has initiated the movement, it is 
but fair that Goans reserve the right not to cooperate when such elements are 
involved, no matter how serious the problem. Who has decided that only mining 
and the Western Ghats are important issues for Goans?


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