GOA SU-RAJ PARTY condoles the loss of precious lives of Goans and other passengers and sympathizes with the near and dear ones of those killed and seriously injured in the ill fated inter-state bus plying between Goa and Mumbai. Hopefully, the Goa Government will learn from this serious self inflicted accident and put in enough controls to see that the route operators conform to the safety regulations in place to safe-guard the lives of innocent people travelling in such buses. The controls that are often overlooked are the 'sobriety' of the drivers and their state of 'fatigue'. In a bid to meet deadlines, the crew of such buses are often over-worked by the operators, resulting in the vehicles going off the road when the mind's eye of the fatigued or drunk person at the wheel mentally goes to sleep for a mili-second even with eyes wide open. It is a crime to have lost so many lives when entrusted in the care of the man at the wheel. It is important that both Goa and Maharashtra Governments have in place surprised checks on the state of alertness of the drivers of such interstate buses, especially between 00.00 and 04:00 hours and those drivers found wanting be put behind bars and their driving licences suspended. Until and unless such drastic deterrents are are put in place, precious innocent lives will be lost. May the good souls of the departed RIP.

Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary,

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