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From: Jagotik Konknni Songhotton <jksgl...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:57 PM
Subject: One-day Convention of Konkani writers – convened by JKS.
To: "Jose Salvador Fernandes, Goa" <konk...@gmail.com>

Mogall Bab Jose,

It is a well-known fact that a small lobby of literatteurs who are staunch
‘Devanagarivadis’, have dictated the course of the Konkani movement in
India and have done great damage to literature in scripts other than in
Devanagari, resulting in the continued disunity among Konkanis. This lobby,
through sheer manipulation and trickery, has retained its stranglehold over
the Konkani power-centres at the state and at the national level and has
usurped and appropriated all facilities, benefits, awards, grants,
projects, etc. for itself, and continues to do so despite protests and

As you are well aware, 2 Writ Petitions, have been filed – one in the High
Court of Karnataka against the Sahitya Akademi, seeking equal treatment to
all scripts, and one in the Mumbai High Court (Goa Bench), to rectify the
Official Language Act to include Roman script.

Despite this, the Devanagari lobby is on the offensive and is now engaged
in installing (‘protixttapon’) the Devanagari lipi in Karnataka. It is very
unfortunate that the only Konkani Writer’s Forum in Karnataka, instead of
protecting the interest of Konkani literature and litterateurs writing in
the Kannada script, is on the one hand busy defaming, damning and
denigrating fellow writers, while on the other, is going overboard to act
as tools in the hands of the Devanagari lobby, in return for the scraps
that they throw at them. What is most shameful is that this Forum has never
raised its voice against the injustices done to the Kannada script by the
‘Devanagarivadis’, but instead are content to be seen in the ranks of the
oppressors and uphold their ideology.

Under these painful circumstances, Jagotik Konknni Songhotton considers it
its sacred duty to bring-together writers of Kannada and Roman scripts and
also probe the possibilities of establishing an *All-India Konkani Writers’
Forum*, which will protect the interest of Konkani literature and Konkani
writers of all scripts.

*The one-day Convention is scheduled for Sun., Sep. 29, 2013 (9.30 a.m to 4
p.m.), at Kalaangann, Mangalore.* You are requested to be present and also
to ensure the participation of maximum number of writers in the Roman
script, in this Convention. **

The agenda of the Convention would be –
1.      To learn about the progress in the 2 Writ Petitions.
2.      To find a remedy to the problem of only the Devanagari point of
view dominating the internet – through Wikipedia.
3.      To probe the possibilities of establishing an all-India body of
Konkani writers.

*Come, it’s time to unite and fight against the injustices we have suffered
for so long and tell the world – ‘enough is enough!’*

Kindly confirm your participation.

With warm regards,

*Eric Ozario*
Secretary General

JKS - Global Konkani Organization
Kalaangann, Makale,
Mangalore - 575 016
Ph - 824 - 2232377
  • ... Jose Fernandes
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

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