There are a couple ways I know of that you can do this. You can vendor or 
copy as you mention.  Another approach is to create a "build" image that 
contains relevant credentials and a few `go env -w` directives to set up 
your build environment, which you build separately and derive other 
projects from.

FROM golang:1.16-alpine3.13
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates git openssh
# cert not checked in to repo, (download with artifact script to rebuild 
base images)
ADD certs/mycert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mycert.crt
RUN chmod 0600 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mycert.crt
RUN update-ca-certificates

# if you host a proxy, use these two lines or similar (see
# RUN go env -w GOPROXY=
# RUN go env -w

# otherwise, make sure you don't reach out to public proxy/sum for internal 
RUN go env -w GOPRIVATE=vcs.package.prefix/*

# gitconfig for vcs to use "ssh://git@" instead of "https://";
ADD gitconfig /root/.gitconfig
# internal VCS creds (probably want to use a "deployment key")
ADD ssh /root/.ssh
RUN chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa /root/.ssh/config
RUN chmod 0644 /root/.ssh/

And then the gitconfig you copy in might be something like:

[url "ssh://git@my.internal.bitbucket:7999"]
    insteadOf = "https://my.internal.bitbucket/scm";

This should create a build image that will know about your VCS and download 
modules from it directly.  In your project, you can either do the standard 
copy of your mod and sum files and go download, but you can also use the 
new buildkit features to mount a shared cache for both modules and 

# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1-experimental
FROM myregistry:base as base
# ...
RUN --mount=type=cache,id=myproject_mod,target=/go/pkg/mod \
--mount=type=cache,id=myproject_cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build \
go build
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 11:01:02 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 4:52:37 PM UTC-8, Philip Nelson wrote:
>> You can't copy from outside the context but you can volume mount it. In 
>> my docker-compose.yml I have the following for a golang:1.11-alpine image 
>> derivative:
>> ```
>>     volumes:
>>       - ${GOPATH}:/go
>> ```
>> Phil
> Oh! That's interesting. Thanks!

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