small note here about the package naming -- to be taken with a larger grain 
of salt, as usual: you repeat and thus "stutter" on "Gothon/gothonSlice". 
I've looked into some existing slice generics examples that now pop up like 
mushrooms after a warm shower. They tend to simply stick with "slice" or 
"slices", even if this is deemed a **cough** generic name (*pun might be 

Otherwise, as Jason White already said: don't expect too much interest in 
your work, but see it as an experiment. Of course, we might be proven wrong 
and then you'll see interest in those kind of helpers. However, be aware 
that you can easily considerable performance and then the main benefit 
would be to be more welcoming to Pythonistas at first, before having to 
refactor code to become more "native" to Go.

When I was coming from Python some years ago (and I still like Python!) I 
came with the explicit idea of "don't look back", dive into the Go 
ecosystem and learn their patterns first. Only with good experience, start 
to bring in things where Go might benefit from Python, but don't try to 
emulate P on G (or any other X on Y), unless you somehow need to 
lift-and-shift old code. Which rarely is a good idea, unless you have 
significant monetary investment and gain in doing so.

On Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 5:43:59 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi !
> A few days ago I wrote about a library that will use the power of generics 
> in go ˆ1.18 to emulate the most common and practical Python methods, such 
> as handling lists, dictionaries, heaps, etc. I put forward a bit of code 
> for the slices and recreate in a generic way the handling of lists that we 
> have with python. 
> Some next steps are to recreate the Heapify library 
> , dictionary methods and 
> support set operations (
> If anyone would be interested in joining with code or feedback, you all 
> are more than welcome.
> Link to repo is :
> Thanks!

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