I started working on a Golang project (from my work). The following pattern
makes the company configured linter to complain with:
sloppyReassign: re-assignment to `err` can be replaced with `err :=
myFunc2()` (gocritic)

func myFunc() error {
blah, err := getBlah()
if err != nil {
    return err
if err = myFunc2; err != nil {
    return err

What bothers me the most is the fact that if I listen to the linter and
change the code according to its suggestion I get another complaint saying
that I should use the if short version.

Yes, I have found silenced sloppyReassign following this pattern.

What do you think? What linter complaint should I mute? I don't like the
idea of a code base polluted with instructions to tell the linter to shut
up. Do you think I should suggest stopping using linters? :)

Thank you!

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