> https://go.dev/play/p/h5jzISRyTkF In this approach, I'm not fond of how I 
must call the f function on line 30. Without specifying a type parameter, 
the call fails to compile.

If I replace f[A](a, "") with f(a, "") it still works for me, in the 

What go version are you using? There were several improvements to type 
inference for generics in 1.21.

On Sunday, 10 September 2023 at 01:17:55 UTC+1 Oleh Lomaka wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> Gophers' superpower is required and highly appreciated.
> I have two types, A and B, each of which has a method named "M". This 
> method accepts a string and returns an instance of the type it is declared 
> on.
> ```go
> type A struct {}
> func (a A) M (string) A {
>     return a
> }
> type B struct {}
> func (b B) M (string) B {
>    return b
> }
> ```
> What's the best way to declare a generic function that receives an 
> instance of one of these types along with a string? Depending on the 
> string, this function should either return the instance it received or call 
> method M on it and return the instance produced by this method.
> Currently, I've come up with two solutions, but I'm not entirely satisfied 
> with either:
> https://go.dev/play/p/h5jzISRyTkF In this approach, I'm not fond of how I 
> must call the f function on line 30. Without specifying a type parameter, 
> the call fails to compile. Additionally, I'm concerned about potential 
> panics on line 23. If I expand the code with new types in the future, 
> there's a risk of type assertion failures.
> https://go.dev/play/p/rHHjV_A-hvK While this solution appears cleaner, 
> it's prone to panicking if I introduce another type with an incompatible M 
> signature (or without M method completely)
> Maybe someone has better ideas.
> Thank you.
> All the best,

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