stdlib only with upcoming 1.22 which isn't yet released, see

gorilla mux is another 3rd party muxer with variable support

the "best" way using only stdlib mux is to parse the path and extract the 
variable yourself. otherwise, wait for 1.22. or use an existing 3rd party 

On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 1:27:59 PM UTC+2 Dejan Duh wrote:

> Hi everyone. I'm building an api with net/http and I'm having trouble 
> with url variables. How can I get the url variables form the url in the 
> REST way. Example, if I have a url like "http:/localhost:3000/users/:id". 
> I want to get the user with the id given from the url. What is the best 
> way to get the id using only the standart lib? Thanks

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