It's probably dead simple.

Each cluster can have a db that says what apps and versions it can
handle.  For each app and version that it handles, it has a copy of
the code in its local GFS.  That gives every server in that cluster
access to the code.  Since this code is read-only, each server can

When you deploy a new application or new version, it goes to a cluster
which updates its db and local GFS.  It then starts telling other
clusters about the new application/version.

Routing for a specific version is easy.  If said router doesn't know
about that version/application, it asks clusters for that application/
version until it finds one that has it and caches that information for
"a while".  (Note - I'm not using "router" to refer to an Internet
router, but to refer to the "thingie" that figures out where to send
requests for a given application.)

However, routing for the "current" version is tricky - the problem is
that different clusters can think that different versions are
"current".  (Deleting old versions can be tricky unless you can tell
the routers that a version is dead.  If you can, you tell all the
routers that an application/version is dead, delete that version from
all the clusters, and then remove the "is dead" notice from the

The easy way to deal with that is to simply not let a version become
current until it has been copied to all appropriate clusters.

Note that the naive implementation of this idea has a race.  You can
move the race into the routers by telling them what version is
"current".  However, there's still the problem of keeping multiple
routers consistent, especially if they're relying on what clusters
tell them.  One way is to temporarily tell all but one router to route
"current" requests for a given application to said router until said
router is ready to atomically perform the transition.

There could be a set of dedicated routers that are used only for
applications that are transitioning from one current version to
another.  With this scheme, a transition router owns the definition of
"current" wrt a given application until the clusters' dbs definition
of "current" are updated wrt that application.  (Of course, the file
copies and initial cluster db entries can be done before the
transition starts.)

When you're not doing a transition, the above allows an arbitrary
number of routers and clusters.  (Notice that a given version need not
be on every cluster.)  Of course, such routers can also spread the
load for a given application/version across multiple clusters and
there are some tricks to speed up the search for a cluster that has a
given application/version.

During an application's transition, a single router has to handle all
the routing load for said application, but there are very few
applications that will overwhelm a dedicated router.  In fact, most
applications won't strain a dedicated router, so you actually want to
use a given transition router to transition multiple applications
whenever possible.

On Oct 30, 5:20 am, tav <> wrote:
> Hey App Engine team,
> I was wondering if you could share a quick high-level summary of how
> the app engine deployment works internally? I've been trying to figure
> out how it works so as to mimic the behaviour for my own framework...
> All the ways that I can think of are nowhere near the elegance of what
> App Engine offers:
> * Using a SAN for the app code and putting the code into versioned
> directories. Whilst simple, this has the downsides of cost — both in
> terms of money and latency.
> * Using something like Capistrano/Fabric to do parallel updates to
> many servers. But this doesn't really scale so well and requires a lot
> of administrative overhead.
> * Putting the app code into a distributed data store. But this has the
> downsides of having to do a datastore lookup before serving every
> request — not to mention the additional time it takes to get the code
> for a cold start...
> Would love to know how you guys do it — thanks!
> --
> love, tav
> plex:espians/tav | | +44 (0) 7809 569 
> 369|| skype:tavespian
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