Your code does not run on my local dev machine
To be more specific, the following line throw a runtime exception

The exception message was like *AttributeError: 'map' object has no 
attribute 'sort'*

To fix this, you simply convert A to a list. See my code below.

*def solution():*
*    N,B=map(int,input().split())*
*    A=map(int,input().split())*
*    A = list(A) # convert A to a list before calling sort*
*    A.sort()*
*    cout=0*
*    for i in A:*
*        if i<=B:*
*            B-=i*
*            cout+=1*
*    return cout*
*T=int(input()) *
*for x in range(1,T+1):*
*    print ("Case #{}: {}".format(x, solution()))*

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