Google seems to have grown too big!. They forgot how they got to where they 
are. They were the most easy to use but very powerful and consistent search 
engine. They then started providing all these new products-services for 
free that people started using. Now they are re-thinking, hey we can make 
money on that, if only we do it differently and they started shutting down 
these products to sell us new ones. I'm not happy. If there's no 
consistency in the availability of the products from a company then why 
should I spend time to learn how to use them, and also to make them part of 
my daily working routine. I Love iGoogle, Use it all the time. I also use 
widgets in android, and in chrome THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!!! igoogle allows 
me to have the same information in my home page no matter what machine, OS, 
or browser I use. Very VERY important, and there's no other tool that can 
do that. 

SHAME on you Google. You will loose customers because you lost your 
consistency. when you roll out product something something Google next 
time, no matter how powerful ti is I won't use it. too tired of your 
removing tools after I get used to using them and benefiting from them. 

If you are looking for evidence as to why I said Google is looking into 
ways of making money. look at google tasks. There's a free version, but 
also a payed version on the android market with more features. What 
happened to google keeping thinks for free in order to attract people to 
using the web through it's services? 

And I final point in my rumbling. Google says "We will not be evil". Many 
people like to take this as meaning unlike a certain other company ( MS? ). 
Well when MS kills a product, they just stop upgrading it. They don't kill 
it completely. Google is simply killing it completely. VERY VERY VERY 
uncool. I want my iGoogle, google chat, google calendar to at least stay as 
they are. No more name changes, no more removal of features. No more forced 
upgrades to themes and user interfaces ( yes I'm referring to gmail). 

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:52:06 AM UTC+3, phillip132 wrote:
> My post on why iGoogle needs to continue has been trending on the Google+ 
> hot list today.
> Please add your comments as to why iGoogle should survive, plus and share 
> to help it continue to rise and get in from of the Google higher ups.

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