Hi Dan, 
Just wanted to let you know that your Google Weather widget is not working 
correctly since August 7th. It seems that your *Google Weather API* is 
broken in some parts of the world. Please see read 
*"As of August 7th 2012 there have been frequent intermittent 403 errors.*

*I make a hit of the service once per hour (As has always been the case) so 
I don't think frequency of request is the issue. More likely the 
intermittent nature of the 403 is related to the partial roll-out of a 
configuration change or a CDN change at Google."*


Maybe a CDN problem at Google ? Could you fix that ?

Thank you for your help.


On Monday, April 21, 2008 7:54:41 PM UTC+2, Dan (Google Employee) wrote:

> Hello everyone, 
> With the recent announcement of the iGoogle sandbox, it seemed that a 
> better defined bug reporting system was necessary. I'm happy to 
> announce two new issue trackers that you can use to file bug reports, 
> features requests, and directory alias and deletion requests. Here's a 
> breakdown of where to file bugs: 
> If you are developing in the iGoogle sandbox, file bugs in the 
> opensocial-resources project issue tracker (http://code.google.com/p/ 
> opensocial-resources/wiki/IssuesTab?tm=3<http://code.google.com/p/opensocial-resources/wiki/IssuesTab?tm=3>).
> Make sure to specify that 
> the issue is related to the iGoogle container in your report (there is 
> a segment of the report message dedicated to this). 
> If you are developing outside of the sandbox (igoogle.com, partner 
> start pages, syndicated gadgets) or have issues relating to the 
> directory (including alias requests or removals), file reports in the 
> igoogle-legacy project issue tracker (http://code.google.com/p/igoogle- 
> legacy/wiki/IssuesTab?tm=3<http://code.google.com/p/igoogle-legacy/wiki/IssuesTab?tm=3>).
> You can file feature requests in this 
> tracker as well, but feature requests for the legacy API will be lower 
> priority. 
> There will probably be some confusion about filing reports, so I'll be 
> gently reminding everyone where to go to report issues during the 
> transition period. If anyone has questions, please just let me know. 
> Best, 
> Dan

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