I am not a developer so I may not be on the right site, but I am a google 
user.  I have been since I learned how to get on line.  Google has been 
easy.  I have always loved it.  In fact, recently my children talked me 
into buying the iphone and I regret that I did.  It is not easy to stay up 
to date with my google applications.  However, I am now concerned because 
google seems to be changing.  Everything that I loved about it is getting 
so confusing.  My docs are in some drive now, I don't know what my 200 GB 
of space is used for, I don't know what I will be charged for, google + has 
kind of outranked picasa and now I don't know how my picture system works. 
 I find my privacy violated because I missed some fine print instruction on 
pages and pages of instructions.  I have learned, I think, how to get 
around in google chrome, but I keep running into more questions and notices 
about confidentiality and tracking that I don't understand.  I am 
approaching 60 years old and learning is not that easy for me anymore.  I 
don't want to loose google as I would be lost in an internet world without 
it, but why all the changes?  I absolutely loved picnik, and for some 
reason, that is gone.  I loved buzz, that is gone. I don't know where my 
pictures are but if I google myself I find them.  The first time that 
happened I was INFURIATED!   I have a systemic illness that prevents me 
from retaining things well in my memory.  Isn't there a way that these 
things can be changed ONLY for those who want the change?  Or, is there 
some way to have changes explained for those of us from a generation 
without computers?  I am deathly afraid, now that my credit card is with 
google and apparently available to a host of websites that I don't even 
know about, that I will get a bill for something I do not even understand. 
 That has already happened to me with this new iphone and itunes.  Can 
someone help those of us with this issue.  I know there are thousands and 
thousands of us out there.  God bless you all for working so hard, but 
please think long and hard about this issue.  Or, make it easy to help us 
understand the DEFAULT way things work in google.  By default, what we can 
expect.  That way we know where we need to get help in changing the way our 
google account works for us.  And long technical articles about "browsers" 
and "domains" and "incognito" words are elementary for most, but for me 
they produce confusion.  Thank you so much and God Bless You for thinking 
of us older folk.  

On Friday, July 6, 2012 4:06:03 PM UTC-4, David Cook wrote:
> Does the announcement of iGoogle's departure mean that it's really the 
> gadget-API that is being discontinued?
> If so, what is the recommended (nearest) API that one should convert their 
> gadget-code into?

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