For example: if you are using Maven, you can switch to Thomas Broyer's GWT 
Maven Plugin and create a Multi module project with separate modules for 
shared, client & server. This configuration will work with newer Java 
version (> 8) without any problems. Personally I have switch to Spring Boot 
on the server side.  server starts not more than 20s. 
mmo schrieb am Freitag, 6. August 2021 um 17:05:55 UTC+2:

> I am (trying to) upgrade our GWT-based legacy application to use newer 
> Hibernate, Spring and other library versions. After some (substantial) 
> pull-ups this works mostly fine by now when deploying a fully generated and 
> packaged .war file, but building this thing always takes forever and day 
> (the infamous permutations and other steps...).
> Since the Jetty that's built into the GWT plugin has issues with newer 
> (multi-release) .jar files (see my different discussion) I had to switch 
> deployment of the application to Tomcat (which is our target server anyway) 
> also for development. 
> To speed up the development cycle I am thus trying to get this thing also 
> to run as unpacked file using Eclipse's Tomcat "server bridge". This plugin 
> deploys a web application to a temporary directory in the eclipse workspace 
> and then starts Tomcat passing it the proper settings using VM options 
> like: 
> -Dcatalina.base="<workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0"
> -Dcatalina.home="C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5" 
> -Dwtp.deploy="<workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps"
> .
> With that the application begins to start up, I get to the point where I 
> login and get the initial index.html page but as soon as some GWT-generated 
> Java-script has to be loaded things stall. As I had to learn the entire GWT 
> generated code which - as I found out - gets compiled into directories 
> named like C
> :\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\gwt-codeserver-8682038074388630768.tmp\<java_package_name>.WebWar\compile-1\war\<application_name>
>  is 
> *not* copied over or linked into the wtpwebapps directory.
> I experimented a bit and if one creates a Junction (a kind of soft-link in 
> Windows) in the wtpwebapps\<application>   directory pointing to that 
> generated GWT code then  the application indeed starts loading the UI. 
> However, at some point it invariably dies with a popup that it couldn't 
> load the application from Super Dev Mode Server at http://localhost:9876. 
> So there are (at least) two things missing: the GWT code has to be hooked 
> or copied into the generated server configuration and apparently there must 
> also be a Dev Server available. At this point - since I don't understand 
> this (Super) Dev Mode well enough - I decided to ask in this forum:
> Has anyone got this working so that one can deploy a GWT application to a 
> local Tomcat instance without first having to pack everything up and deploy 
> as a .war file, so that one can essentially continue to run and debug as 
> one used to using Jetty before using the maven goals gwt:run or gwt:debug? 
> Is that described or documented anywhere? Or would some kind soul mind to 
> share his/her knowledge on how to get this working? 
> It doesn't have to be for Eclipse - IntelliJ would be ok as well. The 
> point is that it should not require the lengthy build-package-deploy cycle 
> because a cycle-time of >10 minutes is just unbearable for development. 
> Any suggestions welcome!

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