I'm upgrading a old project and i want to replace the old gwt-jackson 
(https://dominokit.com/solutions/domino-jackson/v1)  with the 
domino-jackson project (https://github.com/DominoKit/domino-jackson).

It should be a simple transiction, but i cannot understand how to let the 
GWT compilation "see" the implementations classes of the ObjectMapper 

*Here the "old" code from gwt-jackson*

*public static interface AltriMetadatiDTOMapper extends 
{} *

* ... *

* AltriMetadatiDTOMapper altriMetadatiDTOMapper = 
GWT.create(AltriMetadatiDTOMapper.class); String jsonAltriMetadati = 
altriMetadatiDTOMapper.write(object); *

*Here the "new" code from domino-jackson*
*@org.dominokit.jackson.annotation.JSONMapper public interface 
AltriMetadatiDTOMapper extends 
org.dominokit.jackson.ObjectMapper<Map<String,List<MetadatoDTOGWT>>> {}*

* ... *

* AltriMetadatiDTOMapper altriMetadatiDTOMapper = 
GWT.create(AltriMetadatiDTOMappe.class); String jsonAltriMetadati = 
altriMetadatiDTOMapper.write(object); *

but it give to me this error
[ERROR] Errors in 'xxx.java' [INFO] [ERROR] Line 662: Rebind result 
'xxx.AltriMetadatiDTOMapper' must be a class

Did anyone know what i'm doing wrong ?

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