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New Name, Same Attitude

OK.  I'm back. Sort of.  Still in the transition phase between Las Vegas and
DC, but I hope things have settled down enough to begin publishing the
newsletter again, at least a couple days a week.

With this issue, however, after publishing some six years under the name
"GOP News & Views," the name is being change to (drum roll, please): "Chuck
Muth's News & Views."

I know, I know.  It's a pretty radical change, but what are ya gonna do?

Also, the newsletter will become an official project of the American
Conservative Union . . . although they reserve the absolute right to
disclaim anything I write and pretend they never heard of me.

Editorially, the only other change you might notice will be a little more
smart aleck commentary from yours truly to properly reflect the insanity and
stupidity I am now witnessing in our nation's capital first-hand.  Frankly,
things are worse here than we had thought.  There's a LOT of work to be
done.  And we're just the people to do it.  So onward, McDuff!

Shameless Plug for New Website

"For historians of key votes, the American Conservative Union's new website
is a dream come true," reports Michael Gerber in this week's The Hill
column.  "The conservative group's new site, launched this week at, includes a database of congressional ratings that goes
back more than three decades, as well as up-to-the-minute headlines"
provided by CNSNews.  The new look and feel was crafted by ACU's in-house
webmaster, David M. Keene, with the expert assistance of the fine folks at
Hockaday/Donatelli Campaign Solutions.

Stop the Presses!

This just in:  Clinton stooges trashed the White House before turning it
over to President Bush last year.  Nah, this really isn't news.  We've known
about it all along.  But it was finally confirmed this week in a 220-page
GAO report listing about $20,000 worth of damage, vandalism and outright
theft by the outgoing Clinton gang . . . and many suspect the GAO
sugar-coated their final report.  All of which led Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) to
note, "The Clinton administration treated the White House worse than college
freshmen checking out of their dorm rooms."  Again, tell us something we
didn't know.

GOP/White House Blows Chance to Kill AmeriCorps . . . Again

"A key House panel yesterday approved a scaled-back version of the president
's proposal to expand and strengthen national volunteer programs, including
AmeriCorps, but some Republicans continue to be frustrated with the effort,"
reported the Washington Times on Thursday.

Much to the consternation of conservatives, the White House is
enthusiastically supporting this Clinton-era big-government boondoggle which
pays people for "volunteering."  Boasts White House spokeswoman Anne Womack,
"It's the largest annual increase in the history of the AmeriCorps program.
We'll continue to push for the (higher) level of funding the president
requested, but overall it's a great bill and we support it."

And now, for the conservative response, here's Colorado Republican Rep. Tom
Tancredo:  "I'm terribly disappointed; I'm horribly disappointed.  We pay
people to volunteer. That's bogus.  It's a sham, it's a fake, it's idiotic,
it's hypocritical."

Don't sugarcoat it, Congressman.  Tell us how you (and we) really feel.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

The Los Angeles Times reports that an elementary school in Santa Monica,
Calif., has banned the game of tag during recess.  An article in the school
newsletter explains the goofy decision: "The running part of this activity
is healthy and encouraged; however, in this game, there is a 'victim' or
'It,' which creates a self-esteem issue. The oldest or biggest child usually

Time & Place

There's a time and a place for everything.  And cable-TV network Nickelodeon
is the one place where families can comfortably leave their kids alone in
front of the boob tube and not worry about exposing them to inappropriate
adult fare, language and content.  It's the one place where innocent kids
can remain innocent kids.  The network features cartoons and old reruns such
as The Brady Bunch and The Cosby Show.

Until now.

On Tuesday night, Nickelodeon loses its virginity, so to speak, when it will
air a special "news" program produced by career-leftist Linda Ellerbee
called "My Family Is Different."  According to the Washington Times, the
show "will focus on families that have at least one homosexual parent" and
will feature a group of kids discussing "the concerns of people who
disapprove of same-sex parenting."

Is nothing sacred?  It's one thing to tolerate and respect the right of
consenting adults to interact as they so choose in the privacy of their own
bedrooms . . . hetero- or homosexual . . . and I take a back seat to no one
in defending that right.  In addition, I have no problem with someone
exercising their free speech rights to produce a program on this subject,
and there may even be some socially redeeming value in it.

However, isn't there another network among the hundreds of channels
available today where such a message can be delivered?  Must we politicize
the one remaining kids' network with such a socially divisive program?  Can'
t we put this on ESPN?

Now, while I defend Nickelodeon's right to air this program as a private
company, at the same time I also support the right of folks who object to it
to lobby the network and protest its decision . . . which over 125,000
people have done so far by signing an online petition at

Ain't freedom fun?

Nation of Scared Sheep

"Four in five Americans would give up some freedoms to gain security, and
four in ten worry terrorists will harm them or their family, a new Gallup
poll shows," reports the Associated Press.  "About one-third of those polled
favor making it easier for authorities to read private e-mail and listen to
telephone conversations.  More than 70 percent are in favor of requiring
U.S. citizens to carry identification cards with fingerprints."

In response, we now bring you right-wing extremist Benjamin Franklin:  "They
that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

'Nuff said.

Ignorance Blamed for Global Warming Snafu

The Environmental Protection Agency enraged conservatives a week ago when a
report from its office sent to the United Nations concluded that human
beings were, indeed, responsible for global warming.  Most intelligent
people think this whole notion is, at best, junk science and leftover
environmental Clintonism.  So how in the world did it make it into the Bush
administration report in the first place?  Don't ask EPA chief Christie Todd
Whitman.  She said this week she hadn't even bothered to read the
controversial report before submitting it to the UN and was unaware of its
content until news organizations reported on it.

Glad to see she's keeping right on top of things.

Together Again

Former CNN "Crossfire" combatants Bill Press (from the left) and Pat
Buchanan (from the right) will be teaming up once again to verbally duke it
out starting on July 15.  The two will co-host a daily two-hour slugfest on

You Ain't Nuthin' But a Hound Dog

"The New York Post reported yesterday that the relationship between former
President Bill Clinton and Lisa Belzberg 'appears to be over.'  If we do the
math, that means that Mr. Clinton and the pretty blonde socialite lasted
seven weeks.

"Tabloid rumors of a romance between the two appeared around April 23,
claiming the pair met at a Christmas party last year.  Mr. Clinton behaved
like 'a big old hound dog' and later, trysts reportedly took place in
mid-afternoons on the 24th floor of New York's chichi Hudson Hotel."

- "Inside Politics," 6/13/02

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*  The Third Annual Western Conservative Conference is being held in
Ontario, CA - June 21-22.  For additional info, go to:

*  2002 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC, June
27-30.  For just $165.00 (the early bird rate) you get 5 meals, 2
receptions, and the opportunity to hang out with Republican "super stars"
all weekend.  Go to to register and find answers to any
questions you may have about this conference.

*  Campaigns & Elections campaign training seminar in Chicago, IL.  June
28-29.  $295 per person.  For more information, call (800) 888-5767 or go to

*  RNC's Summer Meeting in San Francisco.  July 18-20

*  Campaigns & Elections campaign training seminar in Los Angeles, CA.  July
26-27.  $295 per person.  For more information, call (800) 888-5767 or go to

*  ALEC 2002 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  August 7-11.  For more
information, go to:

*  ACU's "Public Policy Boot Camp" at the Marriott Residence Inn in
Arlington, Virginia August 18-20.  For further information contact ACU's
Kerri Houston, 214.357.1504 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*  17th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 27,28 and 29, 2002 at
the. Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona sponsored by the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment
Foundation. Registration is free. You can register by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or by phone at 425.454.4911. For more information go to:

 *  30th Annual CPAC conference at the Gateway Marriot in Arlington, VA from
January 30 - February 1, 2003.  For information or registration, go to:

Chuck Muth's News & Views is a project of the American Conservative Union.

Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 391-0222
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the sponsors, advertisers ... heck, even some of our
readers.  To be REMOVED, go to: and
complete the removal request instructions you'll find there.  Or send your
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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