----- Forwarded Message ----
From: bakri arbie <daya...@yahoo.com>
To: alumnipran...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: arbie bakri <arbieba...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 6:33:05 AM
Subject: Fw: Our To-Do List

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Ted Turner, Founder and Chairman, UN Foundation" 
To: daya...@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 1:18:20 AM
Subject: Our To-Do List

United Nations Foundation  UN Foundation  
   Dear Friend,
As people who care about the state of our world and the struggles of humanity, 
you and I -- and everyone who supports the United Nations -- have a role to 
in advancing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
I like to think of the MDGs as the world's priority "to-do" list for lifting 
standards of human living. If that's something you think is important, then the 
MDGs are your to-do list, as well.
Please take a moment to watch a message on why these issues matter, and join me 
by putting something on your own MDG to-do list.
This is my challenge for you: Do at least one thing to contribute to achieving 
the MDGs today. For example, help fight preventable diseases by donating an 
anti-malaria bed net through the UN Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign. 
Raise awareness about how improving women and children's health must be a 
priority. Or advance gender equity by joining our new "Girl Up" initiative and 
share it with the young women in your life. You'll move us closer to realizing 
the MDGs with every action you take through the UN Foundation.
We have a lot of progress to make in order to advance the MDGs. If we're going 
to turn things around, you're going to be the one to make it happen. Change 
starts with you.
What will you do today?
Thank you,
Ted Turner 
Founder and Chairman, UN Foundation     
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