So it's been an exciting week for What happened?

1) Wednesday, the network access to the main site went down 
   for several hours.

2) This triggered a mail loop which, on revival meant messages were
   being shuttled back and forth between backup
   computers. Nothing was lost (I think) but disks filled up with mail
   logs and several warning messages were sent out.

3) We started receiving email from hundreds on onelist lists.  No idea
   why. The lists seemed to be about every topic under the sun. The
   system wasn't programmed to acccept lists starting with a number
   (i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED]), so we ended up with zillions of new lists,
   many completely bogus.

So, at this point the system is in stable shape. The configuration
error that caused the mail loop has been rectified. The bogus
lists got pruned out, and we now handle all onelist lists correctly.
We seem to be fine under the increased load, so far.

Exciting times.


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