Gossip also was having problems, with the Mailman chewing up a lot of
CPU for no good reason. That was another contributor to the latency in
archiving; we've more or less caught up by now, and I see there is
only a few hours lag at the moment. I think the problem was upgrading
Mailman which got the aliases in /etc/aliases out of sync. I've tried
correcting that, and this message is something of a test. Gossip has
164 subscribers these days.

Speaking of statistics, I ran the web server statistics for the past
week and put them at the usual place [1]. The analysis program claims
that about 25% of all accesses to Mail-Archive are from "robots" like
Google. I don't know how much stock to put in those numbers; the tool
may be underreporting. The other neat stat from my perspective is that
half a million unique hosts visited Mail-Archive last week. If
Mail-Archive touched the lives of about half a million people, even in
a small, insignificant way, that's kind of fun.

I'm probably going to package an upgrade to the latest MHonArc tonight
- there shouldn't be any user-visible changes, but as long as I'm
fixing stuff might as well take care of it. What else? Growth is going
about ask expected, with about 130 GB of search index data and 130 GB
split between HTML pages and recent raw text representation of
email. I have no idea how many pages that actually is; the counter on
the Mail-Archive homepage is just some estimator which is probably
totally off. Lost of room to spare; I won't have to worry about disk
space for months and months.

Random email comments or requests (i.e. someone feels compelled to
contact me via personal mail regarding Mail-Archive) is about one per
week and holding steady. That's good; I'm glad to see that that sort
of thing doesn't suck away too much time.

Well, that's about it, hope all is well out there on the net.


[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/stats.html

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