We've rolled out the new CSS-based look & feel to The Mail Archive's thread and message pages. Please let us know if you experience any problems.

Please contact us if you'd like to provide a custom CSS layout for your mailing list. Each mailing list can support it's own stylesheet. We will post the guidelines in our FAQ soon. Basically, we're happy to let you do any kind of custom look for your mailing list's thread and message pages. We will ask you to send us the CSS file(s) and image files, which we will host. It can be as simple as adding a logo or as fancy as customizing the whole look to match your organization's website.

A few bonuses:
- New keyboard shortcut support if you have a browser that supports it (like FireFox). When reading messages, you can use Alt-n to go to the next message by thread, Alt-p to go to the earlier message by thread. Also Alt-f, Alt-b, Alt-i, Alt-c. See http://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html#accesskeys for the usage.

- Easy RSS bookmarking if you have a browser that supports it (again, like FireFox). In FireFox, you'll see an "RSS" icon in the lower-right corner of your browser when viewing thread and message pages. You can click it to bookmark the RSS feed. From your browser's bookmark menu you'll now see a submenu that shows the 10 latest messages for the mailing list.

Jeff Marshall

Gossip mailing list

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