Since you seem to be in the midst of changes, I thought I'd mention one
RFE that I'd like to see, even though it's not a UI issue (or probably
not) and it may be somewhat out of the scope of your archive as it
exists today, but ...

(And I'm fairly sure I've mentioned this before somewhere, possibly on
your bugzilla (don't recall if you have one), on WikiLearn, or somewhere
else, so this may not be new.)

Anyway, many times what I would like to do is post (or reply) to a
mailing list, but "immediately" have a URL (included in the original
post / reply) that serves as a reference to that particular post.  (I
haven't been paying close attention in the last two years or so (to
email / archiving advances) -- maybe this feature already exists

One way this might be implemented is that the flow of email through a
mail list manager might be altered so email sent to the list is archived
(and a URL attached) before it is forwarded to the subscribers of the

This would be handy many times -- for example, you read an email and you
want to have a link for future reference.  Without something like this,
you either have to save the email yourself (usually locally), or go to
the archive, find the email, and then link to that URL.

So, I'm sure modifying the mail lists to work as described is not within
the "normal" scope of your archive -- I don't know if changes to your
archive would be needed to facilitate such changes in mail list

Randy Kramer

Discussion list for The Mail Archive

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