Every month or two the following happens. Someone does a Google
search on their email address, sees a five-year-stale Google
search summary and panics. We had a very light obfuscation
technique back then, which you don't notice unless you look hard.
Anyway, the point is lots of people are very concerned about
spam, and I worry that putting up unobfuscated addresses on
select lists will open the floodgates. By open the flood gates I mean
lots of frantic, confused people calling me up in the middle of
the night for the next ten years. I really hate that.

So, The Mail Archive does blatent obfuscation with two goals.
One is to prevent harvesting, the other is to keep users happy.
If a list admin wants to bypass this, one approach is to put some
very light obfuscation in on messages before they hit the
archival service  (perhaps apply at the list server). This requires
some technical wizardry but I'm sure there are people on
gossip capable of doing it. The other way is to have a really
compelling reason why your list should have obfuscation
turned off or modified. Enough to justify the risk of people
calling me in the middle of the night, and complicating our
migration path if we need to change obfuscation techniques
some day. It's hard for me to think of a compelling enough


PS. I really hate spammers.

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