
Thank you for the problem report. However, there is a far more
serious issue with the list archive in question. The messages you
have posted to green-travel (such as 03310) are spam - specifically
link spam solely intended to screw with rankings on the global
internet search engines.

First, life is short for this type of crap; please find something more
productive to do. Second, it won't work anyway. If you look at the
HTML source of a message page, all links have the rel="nofollow"
attribute inserted. This explicitly signals the global search engines,
to ignore the link for ranking calculations. Finally, spam lists are
a waste of The Mail Archive's resources and violate the terms of

This is not acceptable; I will decide in the near future what to do
with the green-list archive. In the meantime please discontinue
use of The Mail Archive service. Let me know if you have any

Jeff Breidenbach

Discussion list for The Mail Archive

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