On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 11:24:14AM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> On 2006-08-18, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:
> > Hmm.. this must be the proper name "feature". I'll see if I can
> > figure out how to disable it.
> You just need to call:
>     qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_ALL);
> It seems you're using Omega - you can't currently set this there without
> tweaking the code, which is a bit of an oversight (you can set STEM_NONE or

I misread the code.  It's STEM_NONE you can't set directly (you can use
$set{stemmer,none} to achieve the same effect).

Just add this to the top of your OmegaScript template:


> I'm not sure why "MAGIC" isn't highlighting - it's supposed to, but it
> looks like something is amiss.  I'll investigate.

OK, this patch fixes that, though the bug won't manifest if you use



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