
On 9/4/06, Jeff Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lucene: it slices, it dices, it's twice as nice as...well, htDig 3.1 for

Here are a couple reasons why Lucene is the Battle Royale champ in my eyes:

* Powerful searching features:
http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/queryparsersyntax.html - let's see
the other kids do all this.

* When was the last time you searched Unicode characters on The Mail
Archive?  That's right, never!  But with our experiemental Lucene
interface, you can:

That's true. I tried to search for a Japanese list in the archive, and
found announce-jp%40jp.freebsd.org. I copied 議論 from a BSDCon announce
there, and only managed to find it with Lucene.
For the other two I either failed to configure them properly to look
into that list or they are incapable of finding such word.

So if I cared about searching in non-English lists Lucene would be the
winner for me.


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