But anyway, utf-8 support for Xapian is pretty much written now.  I've
just sent JeffB a patch to try (but it'll require a reindex so it'll
probably not be live for a while).

Major, major kudos to Olly for getting this feature ready. I've
patched it in and it seems to work great! Let's revist queries in
Danish and Japanese.



I've just asked the computer to start re-indexing all the lists with this
new improved version of Xapian. That process  will take about 5 full
days, and will proceed in alphabetical order. As of this second, it is
crunching away on a list called "activedir"

> In the meantime, I'd love to hear some pointed comments
> on the user interface. Do people prefer Omega's "search engine
> standard" layout, or PyLucene's "blend into service" appearance?

FWIW, I think I prefer the "blend in" look.  But the look is essentially
orthogonal to the choice of engine - it's just a matter of slotting the
appropriate HTML into the templates.

Unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume everyone is in complete
agreement that "blend in" is significantly better. Any dissenters?

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