On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 10:16:57PM -0700, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:
> The Mail Archive is getting a lot of visitors from Indonesia.
> Can someone who speaks Indonesian please take a look
> at the localization and tell me if looks ok? Should any wording
> be improved or replaced?
> Example archive:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/origami_indonesia%40yahoogroups.com/
> http://www.mail-archive.com/origami_indonesia%40yahoogroups.com/msg00275.html
> Thanks!
> Jeff


Everything else looks OK to me (I speak Indonesian natively) except
for these three things:

- "Perbaiki pencarian" (refine search) sounds just a tad awkward and
  unintuitive, I'd suggest replacing it with either "Pencarian
  kompleks" (complex search) or "Sintaks pencarian" (search syntax).

- "Kirimkan email ke" (send the email to) should be "Kirim email ke"
  (send email to) because "Kirimkan" implies that there is already an
  existing email to be sent.

- The dates are not localized to Indonesian. Does the software used by
  m-a.com allows date localization?

On behalf of the Indonesian m-a.com users I'd like to say thank you to
the mail-archive.com team for providing an excellent service for free,
and also for their concern and attention to the Indonesian


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