Dear Jeff or Jeff,

Sorry about the Subject, I've been used to dealing with folks with a 
considerably different business model. <grin> I do want to be sure I 
understand a few things before setting up an archive.

First off, I have something like 150,000 messages going back over ten 
years, occupying a bit less than a gigabyte of data on disk. The whole 
point of setting up the archive will be our members being able to 
research and data-mine that corpus. Ongoing, traffic runs about 1000 
messages per month. 

Will our archive size or traffic volume be an issue?

Assuming those answers are no and no, how would you want to receive the 
data; would a dozen mbox files containing a years' worth each be good, 
or should I create one monster merged file, or somewhere in between? 

As far as I can see, the admin interface is so simple that basically 
there *are* no controls for each archive except those that are publicly 
available on the description page? Anybody could start the archive, but 
I, as list owner, could request its total removal or deletion of 
specific posts? (Assuming I could convince you that I *was* the list 

Does anybody ever have a problem with pranksters uploading "custom 
logos" for a list they do not own, for instance? Or are all requests 
for changes to the archive configuration confirmed by e-mail to the 
person shown as list owner? I guess I'm generally uncertain how much 
control I would have over "my" archive, overall?

The 3000 message limit on the Date and Thread Indexes will represent 
about 3-4 months of traffic. It looks like message addresses are 
completely stable... 

So long as I was careful to be "well behaved" during the building of 
it, do you foresee any problem or objection if I created at least a 
Date Index for the whole archive at my own site? I imagine doing a 
thread index would be harder, and likely wouldn't synch up with yours 
very well, but might be worth the attempt, too... I don't think either 
would effect your advertising revenues, since only search engine hits 
are being so served?

I think that's plenty for now. Everything I've read so far impresses me 
with the scope, quality, and robustness of the service. All I can say 
is, congratulations on making a success of it when others have failed, 
and thank you for doing it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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