Well, I've been playing with my shiny new archive! Great stuff! <grin>

I stumbled on a less than intuitive detail of the search syntax...

First I tried:

   "From: M. G. Devour"

...and got messages in which I was quoted by others. Okay, not what I 
thought I was going to get, but makes sense when you read the 
instructions. <grin>

Then I moved the quotation mark and tried:

   From:"M. G. Devour"

...which gave zero results. Huh?

Finally, I tried the *correct* syntax:

   from:"M. G. Devour"

...which turns up all of my posts, as intended.

Same thing is true of date: searches. I'm curious why the from: and 
date: directives bother to be case sensitive? It tripped me up there 
for a bit!

Otherwise, I've gotta say, wow, this is a powerful search facility! 

It is just so great to be able to use arbitrarily short search terms. 
There are so many acronyms and legitimate items in our group's jargon 
that are only 2 or 3 letters long, that the 3 letter minimum of most 
forum software as well as the archive that we used to have, is really 
crippling sometimes.  

Have people managed to design nice front-ends for this, similar to 
Google's advanced search form? Something like that would be extremely 
useful on our web site.

Thanks, guys. This is turning out very nicely.

Be well!

Mike D.

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