Hi all,

Just a reminder that the next UK User Group meeting will be taking place in London (IBM York Road) on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd June

Now is your opportunity to help shape the agenda, please feel free to send me ideas for talks we could ask IBM for (I don't promise we'll get them on the agenda mind!).

Also if you would like to do a user talk, please get in touch with me and let me know. It could be a large scale deployment or even just a couple of nodes, it's your opportunity to showcase how you use Spectrum Scale and what for. Every year people tell us how valuable they find the user talks, but this needs YOU, so please do think about if you are able to offer a talk!

As in the past we are looking for sponsorship to enable us to run an evening networking event. I've sent out details to those who have sponsored in the past and to those who have asked us directly about sponsorship opportunities. If you either haven't received this or are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email me directly.



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