
I'm using GRML via PXE on my debian sarge server.

Everything runs perfect, but I noticed, that there is the cheatcode "nodhcp" in the PXE-Docu on http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=terminalserver#booting_grml_without_grml-terminalserver
LABEL grml
KERNEL linux26
APPEND ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/ram0 rw init=/etc/init nfsdir=<YOUR IP>:/mnt/nfs/grml \
    nodhcp noprompt noeject apm=power-off nomce initrd=minirt26.gz vga=791

If I remove the "nodhcp", the client gets an IP and the DNS-Server. With the standard config including "nodhcp", the client gets an IP and is booting, but it gets only manually a DNS-Server entry by running dhcp-client manually.

So what is the reason for the nodhcp-entry?

BTW: Knoppix uses this entry for pxe-booting, too!


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