Hi All

I have implemented the Printing in GtkDemo.

Only problem is that pangocairo is not wrapped, So I had to manually wrap one function (pango_cairo_show_layout). I will try to see if I can wrap pangocairo. Has anyone tried that ?

Here is the patch and file.


/* Printing
 * GtkPrintOperation offers a simple API to support printing in a cross-platform way.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Gtk;
using Cairo;

namespace GtkDemo
	[Demo ("Printing", "DemoPrinting.cs")]
        public class DemoPrinting
		private static double headerHeight = (10*72/25.4);
		private static double headerGap = (3*72/25.4);
		private static int pangoScale = 1024;

		private PrintOperation print;

		private string fileName = "DemoPrinting.cs";
		private double fontSize = 12.0;
		private int linesPerPage;
		private string[] lines;
		private int numLines;
		private int numPages;

                static extern void pango_cairo_show_layout(IntPtr cr, IntPtr layout);

                public DemoPrinting ()
			print = new PrintOperation ();
			print.BeginPrint += OnBeginPrint;
			print.DrawPage += OnDrawPage;
			print.EndPrint += OnEndPrint;

			print.Run (PrintOperationAction.PrintDialog, null);

		private void OnBeginPrint (object obj, Gtk.BeginPrintArgs args)
			string contents;
			double height;

			PrintContext context = args.Context;
			height = context.Height;
			linesPerPage = (int)Math.Floor(height / fontSize);
			contents = LoadFile("DemoPrinting.cs");

			lines = contents.Split('\n');
			numLines = lines.Length;
			numPages = (numLines - 1) / linesPerPage + 1;
			print.NPages = numPages;			

		private string LoadFile (string filename)
			Stream file = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetManifestResourceStream 
                        if (file == null && File.Exists (filename)) {
                                file = File.OpenRead (filename);
			if (file == null) {
				return "File not found";

			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (file);
			return sr.ReadToEnd ();

		private void OnDrawPage (object obj, Gtk.DrawPageArgs args)
			PrintContext context = args.Context;

			Cairo.Context cr = context.CairoContext;
			double width = context.Width;

			cr.Rectangle (0, 0, width, headerHeight);
			cr.SetSourceRGB (0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
			cr.FillPreserve ();

			cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
			cr.LineWidth = 1;

			Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout ();
			Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("sans 14");
			layout.FontDescription = desc;
			layout.SetText (fileName);
			layout.Width = (int)width;
			layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center;

			int layoutWidth, layoutHeight;
			layout.GetSize (out layoutWidth, out layoutHeight);
			double textHeight = (double)layoutHeight / (double)pangoScale;

			cr.MoveTo (width/2, (headerHeight - textHeight) / 2);
			pango_cairo_show_layout (cr.Handle, layout.Handle);
			//cr.ShowLayout (layout);

			string pageStr = String.Format ("{0}/{1}", args.PageNr + 1, numPages);
			layout.SetText (pageStr);
			layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Right;

			cr.MoveTo (width - 2, (headerHeight - textHeight) / 2);
			pango_cairo_show_layout (cr.Handle, layout.Handle);
			//cr.ShowLayout (layout);

			layout = null;
			layout = context.CreatePangoLayout ();

			desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("mono");
			desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale);
			layout.FontDescription = desc;
			cr.MoveTo (0, headerHeight + headerGap);
			int line = args.PageNr * linesPerPage;
			for (int i=0; i < linesPerPage && line < numLines; i++)
				layout.SetText (lines[line]);
				pango_cairo_show_layout (cr.Handle, layout.Handle);
				//cr.ShowLayout (layout);
				cr.RelMoveTo (0, fontSize);
			layout = null;

		private void OnEndPrint (object obj, Gtk.EndPrintArgs args)
Index: Makefile.am
--- Makefile.am	(revision 63441)
+++ Makefile.am	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 assemblies = ../../glib/glib-sharp.dll ../../pango/pango-sharp.dll ../../atk/atk-sharp.dll ../../gdk/gdk-sharp.dll ../../gtk/gtk-sharp.dll
-references = $(addprefix /r:, $(assemblies))
+references = $(addprefix /r:, $(assemblies)) -r:Mono.Cairo
 TARGETS = GtkDemo.exe
 DEBUGS = $(addsuffix .mdb, $(TARGETS)) 
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
 	DemoStockBrowser.cs		\
 	DemoTextView.cs			\
 	DemoTreeStore.cs		\
-	DemoUIManager.cs
+	DemoUIManager.cs		\
+	DemoPrinting.cs
 images = \
 	images/gnome-foot.png,gnome-foot.png \

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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