A relay could never switch at 76 MHz.

You could build a Class E amplifier out of an H bridge, I suppose, but you would need additional components (large capacitors and inductors for tuning).

Why bother when you have an actual radio in the form of the HackRF?


On Sun, 12 Jul 2015, Mitja kocjančič wrote:

what about H-Brigde or a Relay (could I amplifie a signal with it?) (I have 
custom made H Bridge with chips and you can connect a power suply to it and 
drive motors but I don't know if they can amplifie a signal with it (and
there is another problem that I can only transmitt in European FM Band with 
Raspberry Pi (I would like to transmitt on 76 Mhz (because Japanese FM Band is 
enpty here in Slovenia)

2015-07-12 19:54 GMT+02:00 Russell Handorf <rhand...@handorf.org>:
      And filter your pi, it is a very nasty transmitter.

      -------- Original message --------
      From: Quentin Smith
      Date:07/12/2015 1:40 PM (GMT-05:00)
      To: Mitja kocjančič
      Cc: hackrf-dev
      Subject: Re: [Hackrf-dev] FM Repeater

      There's nothing stopping you from transmitting FM+RDS with a HackRF,
      except possibly someone hasn't written the software yet.

      It sounds like what you really want is a power amplifier, though. Even the
      HackRF will not be particularly strong (~10 mW at FM frequencies).
      (Honestly, for the kind of power output you can get from an RPi, you might
      want a preamplifier instead.)


      On Sun, 12 Jul 2015, Mitja kocjančič wrote:

      > Hi I am using Raspberry Pi to transmitt FM Radio on 87.8 Mhz but the 
range is realy poor (I don't want to use HackRF for this because I can't change 
RDS on air (with RPi (Raspberry Pi) I can change RDS via stdin
      > So I would like to recieve that station with RTL-SDR Dongle and then 
retransmitt it with HackRF on 76 MHZ
      > Anyone know how I can do that?
      > Best regards and thanks for Anwsering 
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