Thank you for your tipps!

Uname -r gives a 3.13.0-57 generic Kernel

Rmmod hackrf gives me: "module hackrf is not currently loaded"

I can't find powernap, so i guess it is not installed and the same with 

But: your tipps lead me to the tlp service. And there is an auto suspension for 
usb activated. So i deactivated it in /etc/default/tlp , or better added the 
device identifier to the blacklist and it now works like a charm! 

Thank you! 

Rainer Matla

> Am 17.07.2015 um 23:57 schrieb Paul Connolly <>:
> I'm curious does 'uname -r' return a kernel version older than 3.18 in Ubuntu 
> 14.04, (before the hackrf module was added by LinuxTV kernel developers) ?
> ... snip ...
> HackRF SDR driver (hackrf)
> * Kernel 3.18
> * only RX
> ... snip ...
> You could try the following:
> $ echo "blacklist hackrf" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-hackrf.conf
> $ sudo rmmod hackrf
> Which was fixed with this update.
> Or maybe it is USB ports being automatically powered down by Ubuntu, if 
> powernap is installed ?
> $ sudo powernap-action --disable usb_autosuspend
> Or if it is Ubuntu with "Laptop-Mode-Tools" installed to extend battery life 
> you could disable the powerdown of this specific USB device:
> Find the ID with 'lsusb', for a HackRF One this will be "1d50:6089"
> Edit the AUTOSUSPEND_USBID_BLACKLIST parameter in 
> /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/usb-autosuspend.conf to be 
> sudo service laptop-mode restart
>> On 17/07/2015 17:56, kd5wdq . wrote:
>> I get this on my Nvidia Jetson bd.  Google this and it turns out it was just
>> introduced in (I forget which) libusb or ubuntu 14.0x.   So it's known,
>> and it acts like you describe.
>> So I'm waiting for a fix.
>> eddie af5sa
>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Rainer Matla <> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> i tried to use the installation script from Donald. Everything seems to
>>> work, so i don’t get any errors during the installation or so.
>>> But when i try to run the hackrf_info command i get the following error:
>>> Found HackRF board 0:
>>> hackrf_open() failed HACKRF_ERROR_LIBUSB (-1000)
>>> Okay, i know this error could be from the missing dev rules. But they are
>>> all there.
>>> The real crazy part is: When i’m trying the command a second time, i get a
>>> correct output.
>>> Firmware Version: 2014.08.1
>>> Part ID XXX
>>> Serial XXX
>>> When i retry it: every next try works. But when i’m waiting 2 minutes, i
>>> get the same libusb error from above.
>>> Can anyone help me with that? (i tried the hacker on my MacBook and it
>>> works fine so it should not be a Hardware Issue… )
>>> Thank you!
>>> Am 13.07.2015 um 00:38 schrieb Donald Pupecki <>:
>>> No problem. I'll add that if you switch between the hackrf and the ettus
>>> board in gqrx it may eventually tell you an error about gain settings not
>>> being correct and refuse to start. Not sure if it's been fixed yet. But if
>>> you get it, its due to gqrx saving the gain settings and trying to apply
>>> the wrong ones when you load up the ettus board. The fix is to remove the
>>> gains=<blah> line from ~/.config/gqrx/default.conf
>>> Or just rm the whole file. (Tho that will clear some settings.)
>>> On Jul 12, 2015 3:20 PM, <> wrote:
>>>>   Donald,
>>>> Thank you for your script!!!! After spending the last four days (on and
>>>> off) trying Pybombs and other methods, reinstalling Ubuntu each time, your
>>>> script was the thing that worked for me.
>>>> Al
>>>>  *From:* Donald Pupecki <>
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 08, 2015 3:56 AM
>>>> *To:* Paul Connolly <>
>>>> *Cc:*
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Hackrf-dev] ubuntu 14.04lts
>>>> Well,
>>>> Heres an argument for just doing it from source. I made a little script
>>>> that builds gqrx and gnuradio with support for hackrf, uhd, and rtlsdr on
>>>> 14.04lts.
>>>> I highly encourage anyone who wants to use it to not just run it but open
>>>> it up and copy/paste the lines into a terminal so you see the process. It's
>>>> written such that it avoids any real need to know bash to use. All the
>>>> commands are just as if you would have typed them into a terminal yourself.
>>>> I included some commented out lines on the bottom that should show you
>>>> how to uninstall or update.
>>>> And lastly... it's not very robust, in favor of simplicity, so I wouldn't
>>>> try to rerun it without uninstalling and then deleting the SDR directory it
>>>> created. It should be considered more like a how to that happens to be
>>>> executable.
>>>> Hope someone finds it useful.
>>>> On Jul 7, 2015 5:59 PM, "Paul Connolly" <> wrote:
>>>>> Either way is fine, just choose one and stick to it. Me personalty I use
>>>>> packages, but I re-pointed my Debian machine from wheezy to jessie, so
>>>>> I at the cost of being behind on security updates (machine is not
>>>>> networked) I'm slightly closer to the cutting edge, but still behind
>>>>> using  ppa:gqrx/(releases and snapshots), mostly because I did not know
>>>>> that it existed when I set the machine.
>>>>> packages
>>>>> -------------
>>>>> pros:
>>>>> Easy to install (
>>>>> )
>>>>> Fast to install
>>>>> Easy to update (sudo apt-get update)
>>>>> Fast to update
>>>>> cons:
>>>>> Can lag behind the cutting edge of changes to the source code ( releases,
>>>>> but maybe not snapshots )
>>>>> In theory a malicious person could own your machine, but the same is
>>>>> true from an OS distributor.
>>>>> pybombs
>>>>> pros:
>>>>> Works on more Linux distributions
>>>>> At the cutting edge of changes to the source code
>>>>> Easy to install ( )
>>>>> Easy to update (./pybombs update)
>>>>> More secure since you have built the binaries, no  need to trust that
>>>>> the package binaries are not malicious (99.999999999% of the time, not an
>>>>> issue).
>>>>> cons:
>>>>> Always at the cutting edge of changes to the source code
>>>>> Slower to install and update - compiling all the source code into
>>>>> binaries takes time
>>>>> On 07/07/2015 22:06, wrote:
>>>>> There have been several suggestions as to how to install. What are the 
>>>>> pros and cons of the methods. I am Linux illiterate so please be explicit.
>>>>> Thank you all for your help.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Al
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